
Membership is open to persons who are genuinely interested and want to participate in some form of needlework. Our membership includes beginning stitchers and beaders up through master craftsworkers.

Annual dues are $76 in 2024 and include local, regional, and national affiliation. Annual dues for plural members within the Tennessee Valley Region are $18 or $21 for plural members outside the Tennessee Valley Region. Members receive Needle Arts (a quarterly full-color publication of the national EGA).

Visitors are welcome at all meetings. However, Chapter policy states that a person may only attend two interest group meetings before becoming a member.

You may join our chapter or any chapter of EGA at

There are also discounted young adult member and youth member categories described at EGAUSA.ORG.

Additional information about EGA can be found at National EGA headquarters: or Tennessee Valley Region:

Stitching & Beading in the Foothills of East Tennessee